Saturday, February 21, 2009

A great new acquaintance

One of our first friends at Tracasseur’s MySpace was for us an unknown band from Portland, Oregon. The first thing that first popped my mind was that Matt Groening, the creator of Simpsons, is from Portland. But now there is one more big thing from that city and that’s the electronic synth pop duo Mackintosh Braun. Quite a pleasant get-together I would say. I’ve been playing their album “The Sound” almost on repeat since the introduction.

Their sound is if M83, Junior Boys, Kraftwerk and Cut Copy were incorporated. And that is not a bad incorporation. A dreamful and romantic feeling with a nice discrete and pumping beat with gentle vocals. It was love at once!

And there are other people who have understand Mackintosh Braun’s greatness. For example they were chosen as on of the top 25 bands of 2008 by The song “Wake Up” is going to be in the NBC show “Chuck” this Monday. And for you who are going to miss “Chuck” on Monday we give you a video instead.

When I asked them if they have been to Sweden, the answer was no, but that they would love to come here soon. So now it’s up for us Swedes to get them here, so fall in love with them!

Mackintosh Braun - On And On

Mackintosh Braun - Now

Mackintosh Braun - Wake Up

Mackintosh Braun - Good So Far

Mackintosh Braun - Here

Mackintosh Braun - I Won’t Fall

Mackintosh Braun - Raincrest

Mackintosh Braun - My Time

Mackintosh Braun - Stuck

Mackintosh Braun - The Sound

Mackintosh Braun - Nothing Else Is Real


  1. I have completely fallen in love! this made my day.. or maybe my month!

  2. Makes me very happy! Now we only want them to come to us here in Sweden...
