Last week was crazy...it started off at a fashion party at Café Opera. Free booze and robotlike models walking around the place...but hey, the music sucked! I mean, 2 Unlimited, Dr. Alban (he made som nice tracks), Haddaway, Snap, Ace of Base.... That music can be fun if you're really drunk and not for more than 3o minutes! But hour after hour.... and oh yes, Pandora played live. Don't look her music up, it sucks trust me. Well that was Wednesday.

Thursday was the day Jonny Puma had an AMORE party to celebrate Valentines day at his design agency inside an old bank from the early 20's. Probably one of the best locations in Stockholm to have a party at. We were five Dj:s playing inside an old bank vault. Thats what I call a great place to Dj in. Did I mention there was free booze all night, a handreader and a burlesque stripper!

Awesome night...I was the last Dj to play and here are some of the songs I played:
Soulwax - NY Lipps (Kawasaki Dub)
This is the best version...makes everybody dance.
The Gypsy says dance!!
This vocalfilter housetune is from 1999. There will be more Dj Falcon soon....keep posted!
I know, quite commercial but I love it and so did the dancing crowd...
I supported Mr. Gopher once and he is still one of my favourite Dj:s.

And some bonus tracks from Jonny Puma that he played during his set:
Sneaky Sound System - Kansas City (Lifelike Remix)
Xinobi - BMX (Moulinex Remix)
Sambassadeur - Final Say
Astrolabe - Leave the Station (Pelifics Remix)
Stephen Colbert likes free booze from greasy glasses!
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