First of all we congratulate Mats Holmberg and Stina Åkerstam for winning two cool Tracasseur t-shirts! Saturday was the night we had a kick-off party, celebrating our first three weeks on the web. Les Tracasseurs played at Spy Bar, and we thank all of you that came to support us. We can already now reveal for you that there will be a MAJOR Tracasseur party in late April. Great djs from abroad plus live acts will fulfill this night, but we are still in the planning for this night of mayhem...
Anyway, here are som pictures from the party and some tracks we played during the night.

We also gave away 30 cd's of Les Tracasseurs Mixtape....
This is the best version. Period.
If you like cheese...
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Old track, but highly recommendable.
Timeless song, great remix.
Pilooski never fails...
My friend Benjamin, aka Cosmo Vitelli, is a great dj and I hope to bring him over here soon.
Even better than the original.
Yeah, i know it´s Beyonce...
Cool remix by the snowman Miike.
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