Remember my post about Lebatman eons ago? I say eons ago a lot. Usually it means a couple of weeks or a few months, but the first post about the Italian French house maestro really was eons ago; March to be exact. This was before internet and the phone. The cars didn't run on wheels but on square stones and everyone just looked a little bit more like apes...
Remember I wrote that more was to come on him soon? Although soon is a relative word, I sort of hope you don't remember that because nine months isn't soon in blog-time. Not even in real time.
Anyway, after working on other projects Monsieur Lebatman sent us this brand new track, which is a percussive, French touch-style house track with great harmonies.
Lebatman - Milk Run
More on Lebatman soon...
OH NO! you wrote "soon" again!
Hehe, I know. That's why I called it a teaser...
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