Guess I should write a longer post but I'm in a hurry to the release party for the Swedish party blog
Lost Sthlm, so I just give you a splendid tease from Matias Aguayo's music archive instead. This is one of my favourites by the argentine. Check out his MySpace
here and buy a better version than this 128kbps I put up
This song was on the Rapture K7! Tapes I believe! so good!
Yes It's very cool and original
Hehe Very funny picture there!
Matias Aguayo will be playing at the SMS festival in Croatia this September! It's going to be great! Other acts include Nathan Fake, Carl Craig, Friendly Fires, Optimo, Theo Parrish and Girlcore. Check it out at http://sms-2010.com/
Cheers x
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