Our hero dressed in red, straight from the Bronx, Red Hero. Inspired by others today like Kavinsky and Danger but also of course by the 80s with the movies, anime and video games. Yet with that darker tech feel. David, as his real name is, also mention the movie "Nightmares" from 1983 in four parts with among others Emilio Estevez. He also tells that the name Red Hero came from the colour that lead heroes often wear.
This is a selection of tracks and if you visit Red Hero's Last.fm you can download more tracks for free, but when there or at his MySpace, give him your 80s best wave you got. We give our best waves to mighty Rosso Corsa for giving us Red Hero.
Red Hero - Brace Yourself
Red Hero - Real Hero
Red Hero - Red Villains
Red Hero - Hostage Situations
Red Hero - A Dead Engine
Red Hero - Death Race
Red Hero - Insignia
another Kavinsky!