Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fujasaki rework of "Flying Nightmare"

We're always happy to introduce new talented acts for the masses and we're always happy when we can help great acts to more recognition. Since we wrote about our fellow countryman Fujasaki last year, he's been frequently blogged, especially in France. He's also been recommended as the best choice of music in a music magazine. We're happy for Fujasaki, because he's worth all the attention.

As his thanks to us, he sent over a rework of the French pioneers Space. Space was formed by and created around Didier Marouani (aka Ecama) and he was a true pioneer within the electronic music. In 1977 Space released "Magic Fly" and it became a monster hit in the world. On the album with the same name another track called "Flying Nightmare" was included and it's of that track Fujasaki has made a rework. As Fujasaki says about the rework: "Almost the whole original production is included but I have reworked it a bit and maybe even given it some more swing."

Space - Flying Nightmare (Fujasaki's Trouble At The Airport)

Space - Flying Nightmare

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