The compilation is available for streaming at the PEACE website and can be downloaded after making a donation to Amnesty International Catalunya. The collected money will be used for Amnesty International’s investigation and action campaigns aimed at preventing cases of Human Rights abuses around the world. You can choose your donation from €5.00 up to €25.00 and I believe that's the easiest choice ever because you get so much great music in full quality and at the same time making the world better.
PEACE got a fantastic line-up with artists such as Tesla Boy, The Toxic Avenger, Patrick Wolf, Don Diablo, Ane Brun, The Antlers, Jeans Team, Black Strobe and many many more. Complete list of artists involved is available at the PEACE website. We got ok from our fine friends of Buffetlibre to share two songs with you, but then you head right over and buy the compilation!
The songs are from the Russian success band of 2009; Tesla Boy and the more experienced Black Strobe from France.
Tesla Boy - It's Not Loving
Black Strobe - I Feel Love
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