First out is his own track "Ultime" that is a pleasant track perfect for every Sunday to get you in the happy-mode. I'm listening to it right now and I feel happier...
Deluce - Ultime [Tracasseur exclusive]
Second track up is a remix of our Swiss friends Flashworx, who been to Japan many times for gigs. Therefore they released an EP in May named "Two Guys in Japan" with the track "One More Night In Tokyo". Now it was time for Deluce to make his Shogun remix of it. And it's as they would say in Japan: 素晴らしい (subarashii).
Flashworx - One More Night In Tokyo (Deluce Shogun Remix) [Tracasseur exclusive]
I've also got the honour to pre-listen some of his tracks in the making and what I can say, is that this guy got some great music to come. Two of the tracks got the darker futuristic sound where one of them uses samples from the Tron soundtrack that we posted a while back. Exciting indeed.
Deluce will also be featured on Irish Step's EP "Power" that are to be released early this autumn. In other words, more to come with Deluce, stay put! If you have problems waiting, head over to Beatport in the meanwhile and buy his remix of Triobelisk's "Distant Star".
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