Saturday, October 9, 2010


One of the reasons I liked Clancy's mixtape from the last post is the excellent opening track "Love Fighter" by StardonE. It made me think of excellent power synth like Diamond Cut, but maybe with a slightly more 90s trancey feel.

So, thankful to Clancy for tipping us off about something potentially great I was just about to look up this mysterious name and look for more music, when we got an email from him containing "Love Fighter" and two more tracks with a slightly more Lifelike fell to them. Apart from some great music there wasn't very much info about the artist, and somehow I doubt his Myspace page that says he's from Antarctica. I guess we have to do like Leo DiCaprio and dig deeper with this one.

StardonE - Love Fighter

StardonE - CT

StardonE - Space Romance

Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 (StardonE Remix)


  1. There's a little debate going on in the comments section of a similarly written post over at Binary.

  2. my god, how awesome is the Smashing Pumpkins remix? I've been trying to find a decent remix of them for awhile, the search has ended. Yay!

  3. Can someone re-up this? Thanks!!

  4. they're still up, and have never been down as far as i know.

  5. Says:

    "This track has reached its download limit."

    Can someone mediafire the mp3?


  6. ah, the smashing pumpkins remix? well, we just put up the streaming link and don't actually have the mp3. but lemme see what i can do.

  7. Any luck tracking down the mp3?

  8. Mp3 is up, and he told us he's from Seoul, Korea, which people seem to have been leaning to over at Binary.
