First out is our wonderful Torontian girl TEEN with a new nice track of her own.
TEEN - Girls Will Be Girls
Next out is our awesome Aussie guy Beaumont, who recently made a remix of Grum's latest release "Through The Night". Don't miss out on that one and don't miss out on this nice remix of Housse De Racket.
Housse De Racket - Dans l'Avion (Beaumont Remix)
Another friend of ours, from the same country as us but from another city named Gothenburg. We're bit ashamed not having made more posts about Owl Vision. But we promise to post this guy more regularly further on. Get heavier with Owl Vision and Oh Shit!
Oh Shit! - Outside Of Me (Owl Vision Remix)
Our other Swedish friends of PURPL PoP that we've posted and had a remix competition together with, just released their debut single on Fat! Records (Beatport/Juno/iTunes). Remixes come from Foamo who serves up two versions, Utah Jazz, Warrior One, The Living Graham Bond and remix competition winner Shooting Horses. Download this remix from London duo Warrior One and stream the rest of the release here.
PURPL PoP - The Way (Warrior One Remix)
Our Finnish friends Sara and Markku from TV OFF released their debut album "Music Machine" in May, buy it here. They have made a new video to "Boogieman" featured on the album. This remix made by Sharkslayer is a banger. TV OFF also want to give you a previously unreleased track named "Bird". This is actually one of the first songs they ever did. They recorded it at Markku’s house and Sara improvised the melody as she sang it.
TV OFF - Boogieman (Sharkslayer Remix)
TV OFF - Bird
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