Finally, I write this post about
Digits. Been listening to his album "Hold It Close" the whole last year and was meant to write a post about it. I feel ashamed for not doing that, but now I will take revenge on myself and write the post and now it's with new tracks too.
If you like Erlend Øye and Röyksopp you will probably fancy Digits, not from Norway but from Canada, the country where almost every great act is coming from right now. Digits make this nice electronic indie pop that smells like Kraftwerk emerged with something from Norway.
Here is Digits latest single "Lost Dream" along with his straight from the owen fresh "Rachel Marie".
Digits - Lost DreamDigits - Rachel MarieAnd from the nice album "Hold It Close" I present two fine pieces, to get your hands off the whole release, get over
here and buy it! If you want to get hold off a fine
Schaatz remix of Digits, go back in time
Digits - NonstopDigits - Monster