Thursday, August 16, 2012

Introducing Death Rattle

Got amazed by this new duo from London. As many great duos, they consist of a boy and a girl, together they form Death Rattle. Sharing the last name Hamilton, Chris and Helen formed Death Rattle after the dissolution of their old grunge band. Together they formed something that wanted to explore the darker and more melancholic sides of music. If you're into bands such as Fever Ray, Lykke Li, Depeche Mode, Austra and Light Asylum you will totally dig Death Rattle.

So far they have released two tracks along with two videos and also made a solid cover of Fleetwood Mac. But there are more to come, in October they will release their debut EP "HE&I" on Frontal Noize and in 2013 they will release their debut album. Later this year Death Rattle will also go on a UK & Europe tour to start things off. I think this band will kind of hit it off, it's only a matter of time and timing. To help them hit it off we will help them on their way by posting the three tracks mentioned above along with the two videos. You can help them by fan them on their Facebook and SoundCloud.